In the midst of the darkness spreading throughout Russia, our School Without Walls (SWW) students remain committed to sharing the gospel in their own communities, even in the face of persecution. Mission Eurasia's young leaders and partner churches in Russia are standing firm in the gospel no matter the cost, and they are leading effective and compassionate ministry initiatives in places where Westerners cannot go. We are already seeing much fruit from their outreach efforts as Russia is slowly but surely being transformed from within by in-country Christian leaders.

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray that the young people who are growing up in the materialism and despair sweeping across Russia would find the hope and peace offered only in Christ.
  • Please pray that God would be at work in the hearts of Russia’s leaders, particularly President Putin, as they address the economic, political, and social challenges facing their nation.
  • Please pray for our SWW students and graduates as they continue expanding their ministry efforts and fearlessly sharing the gospel with their neighbors, even in the midst of escalating persecution.
  • Please pray for courage and strength for our brothers and sisters in Russia who are continuing to spread the Good News so that God’s Kingdom may grow in their troubled nation.